September 13, 2010

hitchin' up

I just heard an old Irish proverb that seemed to grab my attention to the point of slapping me upside the head. “You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind.”

I’m one who thinks things through. When considering a decision, direction or situation, I tend to sit with it – think about pros and cons or options until it sits right. I’m not impulsive by nature but I’m not indecisive either. I mull. For the most part this is a good thing. Mull by definition means “to think about carefully; ponder; consider; contemplate; examine and review.” Oddly enough though, mull also means “to make a mess or failure of; procrastinate; and delay.”

Thinking things through is a positive attribute. But at some point one must step forward and ‘plow the field’. Whatever is deterring you from action – be it insecurity or fear, maybe even procrastination – needs to be set aside. Just begin.
While doing so, I remind myself – I don’t have to plow alone. It’s okay to ask for or accept help that is offered. And it’s okay if I’m not the speediest or most skilled when it comes to handling the plow. Progress doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes action.

Time to hitch up the plow!

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