September 4, 2010

Echoing in my head over and over.....

It’s happened again!!! I wish it was as easy as tilting my head and hitting myself while shouting “get out, get out, get out”. But it is still there haunting me…

It’s a fact that at some point in a person’s life they will suffer from an earworm. This will easily happen multiple times in a person’s life. I chuckled when I first heard this phrase identifying the condition. Digging a little further I was surprised that this is an actual term coming from German translation of Ohrwurm. It is a part of a song or music that repeats over and over in a person’s mind – that tune that gets stuck in your head and you can’t get it out. Some familiar ones might be: muppets theme, who let the dogs out, we will rock you, the lion sleeps tonite, theme to mission impossible or the theme to Rocky. Uh-oh…hopefully I didn’t start something.
So now I have a diagnosis but why does that music get stuck in my brain? Take your pick – a brain hiccup, a brain itch, a simple rerun of something in my environment that is repeated, a subconscious need that is being expressed (comfort, nervousness or motivation). Does it really matter why? Will knowing why help me get rid of it? Is there a way to get rid of it? Maybe I’ll have to just sit back, hum along and wait – not let it stress or drive me crazy. It’ll run its course.
Hmmm – maybe other things I’m stuck in, life’s crazyness, can be handled that way – sit back, hum along and wait (key being to LET GO AND LET GOD). Who knows…I could even pick the tune I hum while sitting back. One may even see a smile as the glance my way.
Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.

1 comment:

  1. Here's an alternative ear worm: "It's a small world." hehe
    I think the best part of learning to wait on God is the peace that comes over me.
