September 17, 2010

Have a Nice Day!?

In 1963 a freelance artist by the name of Harvey R. Ball created an icon for an insurance company morale campaign.  His failure to trademark the icon left it to public domain.  The icon became universal and there isn’t a soul that wouldn’t recognize it or know its implied meaning.  That yellow sphere with two black dots and a black half circle emoting happiness, warmth and friendliness.  Yep… it’s a smiley.

I’m of a generation that has always had the smiley.  I grew up with smiley on t-shirts, shoes, lunchboxes, hair bands, earrings and necklaces, and stickers.  Without speaking a word smiley proclaimed encouragement, don’t worry – be happy, have a happy day. 
I do have a soft spot for the sunny fellow.  But I must confess. I react to life with a wider range of emotion than he. And…I may not always be quite as friendly as he. In the face of idiocy, impertinence, or the like, a positive reaction from me may be somewhat tempered.  Human I guess.  Though I should strive to be a little more like smiley, I admit honestly that I grit my teeth and feel more like the red square cynic smiley from the ‘Have a Nice Day’ graphic on the Bon Jovi album.

1 Peter 4:8 reminds us “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”  This is an admonishment for me, particularly when I’m feeling less than loving. I am very thankful for the last part of that verse, “love covers over a multitude of sins” especially because I know I need the covering of love – a multitude of sin right here.  I need to look at others through the eyes of Our loving Father.  I am able to love because He first loved (1 John 4:19).  Instead of raising my eyebrows and calling someone an idiot (usually silently in my head ... most of the time), I should and will (hopefully) react with a quick prayer and a more sincere “Have a Nice Day.”

Thank you for loving me even when I'm unlovable.  Forgive me and enable me to show Your love to others when they are not so lovable.

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