Day to day routines. I caught myself again. I could brag that I’ve been multitasking but what is really happening is that I’ve gotten caught in that frenzied pace. Urgency, commotion, distractions and interruptions have grasped a hold. There comes a point when the realization hits that multitasking can become divided attention; distraction can really be procrastination; going with the flow may actually be diversion. I end up succumbing to allowing time to manage me instead of me actually managing my time.
Annie Dillard wrote, “How you spend your days is how you spend your life.”
Days slip by. Days add up. Days define our lives.
So here I stand…still.
I regain perspective. Once again, I realize the need for awareness … the need for consciousness.
When I develop awareness of where moments are being spent and consciously choose how to spend time, I can almost visualize my day falling into line. No more chasing circles. Instead of commotion there exists calm even in the unexpected. Instead of interruption there is continuation and completion. Instead of disorganization there is systematic order.
Days spent this way add up to the life I’d like to spend. This life can be spent with a little more enjoyment, contentment, and personal value. This is the day to day routine I want. The best way to ensure the life well spent all lies with how I focus. If I focus inward – I’ll end up with inattention, anxiety, unproductiveness…(this list goes on). If I focus on the disruptions I’ll end up with preoccupation, commotion, complication…(this list goes on). But if I focus upward, toward the Giver of days and His Will, I will have that life well spent.
I am thankful for the opportunity to live these days- day after day, after …..
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
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